Oct 20, 2016, 10:32 AM

Terrorists open fire at humanitarian corridors in Aleppo

Terrorists open fire at humanitarian corridors in Aleppo

ALEPPO, Oct. 20 (MNA) – Terrorists opened fire from mortars and small arms at a humanitarian corridor in the Bustan al Qasr neighborhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported Thursday.

At least six mines have detonated in Bustan al Qasr west of the Sour al Hal market since early Thursday. Meanwhile, terrorists opened fire at the humanitarian pause checkpoint from a distance of 650 feet.

A more quiet atmosphere is observed at the second humanitarian corridor near the Castello Road in northern Aleppo ahead of the scheduled evacuation. A planned 11-hour pause in airstrikes on terrorist positions came into effect in Aleppo at 05:00 GMT to let civilians leave the city along six corridors, in addition to two corridors opened for militants.


News ID 120670


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